Indianapolis' Paul Garrison Captures PPA National Championship Crown
In a thrill packed playoff, 22-year old Paul Garrison of Indianapolis, Indiana capture the 1962 PPA National Open with a sensational 8-under-par 28 for the 18-hole playoff round. Garrison, tied with veteran touring pros, Vance Randall of Asheville, NC and Charles Gatewood of Mississippi City, MS, after the regulation 144-holes with a 238, refused to wilt under the pressure and decisively defeated Randall and Gatewood who fired 33 and 34 respectively in the 18-hole playoff.
Garrison received $2,500 for his first place finish while Randall and Gatewood each received $1,400 for second and third place. Garrison, five strokes off the pace when Sunday's play began shot a torrid 116 for the last four regulation rounds.
A record field of 182 contestants from 24 states participated in the third annual PPA National Open held at the Putt-Putt Golf Course at 16 Sunnybrook Drive in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Amateur honors also went to an Indianapolis' contestant, Johnny Roessner who fired a 260, 28-under par, for the 144 holes. Bill Brunch of Hamilton, Ohio finished second with a 265.
The PPA tour now leads to Bristol, Tennessee where on July 7-8, 1962 the pros of the Professional Putters Association compete for $3,000 at the Putt-Putt Golf Course located at Bluff City Highway. Entry fee will be $6.00. Qualifying round begin promptly at 1:00 P.M. All pros must be registered prior to this time.
Paul Garrison - Indianapolis, IN